Instagram Challenge - Lesson One: How to create the PERFECT Instagram images!

In today's lesson we will be talking about Images and why they are so important on Instagram.

Just a few stats from my research is pictures with lighter blue hues tend to receive more likes, also pictures with human faces tend to receive more likes and comments. So when thinking about posting something to Instagram, you might want to keep that in mind.

As our brains love visual content, we need to give our followers something visually appealing. In todays lesson I am teaching you how to create your own images quickly using Canva and WordSwag.First I am going to walk you through Canva. Be sure to watch all the videos inside this lesson today as they are super important!

[embed][/embed]Sign Up for Haute ChocolateAnother great tool to use is WordSwag! The video below will explain how I use it and why it is so awesome![embed][/embed]Another great way to get people engaged with your posts is to post a funny quote. This will get people tagging their friends and eventually get their friends looking at your Instagram! The InstantBoss Club has TONS (100s) of funny/engaging graphics you can grab at anytime if you are a member!

Join the ClubJust creating a pretty picture isn't going to get you likes. That is why we will be talking a lot about hashtags in our future lessons, in the meantime I want you to find 20 people on Instagram to engage with today, that means:
- Follow them
- Like 3 of their pictures
- Comment on at least two of their pictures.
Make sure these people you are engaging with are people that would love you content! If you aren't sure who that might be, I would encourage you to print out this worksheet and find out who your target market is! This is super important to know when trying to grow on Instagram!

Grab the Worksheet HereIf you want to participate with our Paid Facebook Group you can join hereFACEBOOK GROUP(it does require purchasing the hashtag library ($12) or an InstantBoss Membership)--But keep in mind this isn't a requirement for challenge, just an option
- I want you to use either Canva or WordSwag and create an image
- Post that Images to the Facebook Group with a link to your Instagram using the image!