Instagram Challenge - Lesson Two: How to FlatLay!

In Lesson One, we talked about why it is Important to have captivating pictures that will get your followers engaging with your Instagram.

In today's lesson we will be going over how to style your own FlatLays with the one and only Rachel Rouhana, creator of!

So I am sending you over to a blog post I have on the InstantBoss Club, which will explain all the ins and outs of FlayLays: What they are and how to create your own!

Make sure you join the FACEBOOK GROUP(it does require purchasing the hashtag library ($12) or an InstantBoss Membership)--But keep in mind this isn't a requirement for challenge, just an option
- Follow at least 20 People on Instagram and Engage with them. This means: Follow, Like 3 Photos, and Comment on at least 3 for each account!
- Read todays lesson and comment below the blog post letting me know what you learned today.
- Post a picture on Instagram with your FlatLay and #instantbosschallenge
- Comment in the Facebook Group with any questions you may have!