Trending Wholesalers – Week of January 13, 2023
Click anywhere below to be taken to our trending wholesalers of the week posts in our Facebook Group for Boutique Owners! Then comment below and tell us which is your favorite!
Boutique Tree
Lumibymari Wholesale
Jadyk Wholesale
Ridge & Co. Wholesale
Hello Happiness Wholesale
Southern Creek Boutique
Lanyard lovebirds Wholesale
Blu Lee Wholesale
Southern Darlin Wholesale
The Kenzie Collective[caption id="attachment_142288" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Processed with VSCO with au5 preset[/caption][caption id="attachment_142289" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Processed with VSCO with au5 preset[/caption] Chansuttpearls VIP Wholesale
Tigerlillies Soap Wholesale
The pulse Boutique
Enlightened Llama Candy Co.
The Belle Boutique Mart
Knox + Nell Wholesale
Shop endless June
Harris Girls & Co.
Dash Forward Wholesale
Silver & Lace Boutique
The Pampered Hen
Southern Darling Wholesale