Photography and Why it is Important to Your Instagram Account

Hello and welcome to day 2 of our 10 days of Instagram and social media tips to help you grow your business. Yesterday, we talked about hashtags, what they are and why they are important to your Instagram account. So, if you haven’t checked that video yet, you can watch it here.[embed][/embed]But, if you have already watched it, let’s move on to the topic of the day: Photography and why it’s important to your Instagram account.
Pics and Why They are Important to Your Instagram Account

Instagram was launched in 2010 with the aim of allowing mobile phone users to share photos and recent stories they wish to share with family and friends. Five years later, there were over 300 million active users and over 30 billion photos shared. Recent statistics from Statista show that the number has shot to 1 billion monthly active users compared to 800 million in September 2017.If you look at InstantBoss Club feed you’ll notice that I use a bunch of stock photography. Most of them are from Haute Stock by lovely Rachel.Rachel has added some of her stock images inside the InstantBoss Club. We also have some images from Pixi Stock, quote pictures and Instagram story templates that you can download. Luckily she has been so great to add some of them into The Instant boss Club.Instagram is all about visual appeal. Therefore, if your account is not visually appealing, potential followers will move on to the next account and follow them.If you don’t want them to fall through the cracks, then you have to ensure you are using the right images that will make them stop and wonder why they aren’t following you yet.Here is a less known trick you can try on your account today: post funny photos or quote images. If you are wondering why the heck you’d want to post a funny photo when they have nothing to do with your business, it because, they can you get more engagement on all your posts.Head on to your account now and try it. The more saves you get, the more likely Instagram is to push you to the explore tab in the top section. I’ve noticed that quote pictures get me the most saves. You have to figure out the types of images your audience will want to save or bookmark. I highly suggest that you try this today and DM me your feedback. Until then, make sure you sign up for the INSTAGRAM CHALLENGE!