

  1. Here’s what consumers want from in store shopping
  2. By the numbers: what black friday trends tell retailers about the rest of the holiday season
  3. Instagram updates account status with new insight into “shadowbans”
  4. TikTok shares the top clips, creators and trends in the app for 2022
  5. Instagram releases its trend predictions report for 2023


  1. Pinterest shares its 2023 trend predictions, based on pin activity and engagement
  2. Google launches “year in search” overview for 2022
  3. Meta adds Instagram audience targeting for Facebook and IG ads


  1. How to create gift cards - and grow sales
  2. 25 Instagram best practices for faster growth in 2023
  3. 13 TikTok tips that will help you go viral in 2023
  4. How to write a great social media call to action
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