How To Grow Your Business With Social Media

I started my business back in 2015 with an online women’s boutique. I grew my Instagram account from 0 - 50,000 highly engaged followers and then made $100,000 in my first year solely from Instagram. After that first year, I knew I wanted to help other business owners grow and scale their businesses on social media. So, I created the InstantBoss Club, a paid membership group where I teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Instagram along with other social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and more...I invite experts to come in all the time to teach you how to grow your business using social media. My goal is to help as many business owners as I can reach to widen their visibility and social reach. Because, in this day and age, if your business isn’t on social media then you’re missing out on a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to reach almost half the world’s population. Have a look at these 61 social media stats from Sprout Social on each platform available to you to grow your business.Social media is big, right?If you aren’t using social media already to get potential sales then you want to read on.Throughout the next 10 days, I’m going to be sharing some of my best tips to help you grow your business on social media.Luckily for you, DAY 1 starts today![embed][/embed]Let’s dive right in:
What is a Hashtag and How Do You Use it to Grow Your Instagram Account?

Most of us already know what hashtags are but for those who don’t, a hashtag is a keyword or phrase you use to describe a topic or theme. It makes it easier for people searching for a particular topic or theme to find and ultimately follow you. Hashtags are represented with pound (#) sign.Many people who use hashtags use them the wrong way; they overstuff them on all their posts across all the social media platforms they use. I like to use 30 hashtags per post, which is the maximum amount of hashtags you can use on your Instagram account. I put them in the comment section; a lot of people teach that it only works inside of your caption. That’s not the case for me. I’ve tried it both ways and it works exactly the same, but every account is different in some ways.If it’s working in the caption for you then it’s working in the caption for you, if it’s working in the comments, it’s working in the comments. Whatever you decide you want to do is fine. I like to put it in the comments section so as not to overload my caption with a bunch of hashtags.
Finding the Right Hashtag

I spend a lot of time studying my competition and the hashtags they’re using so I can reverse engineer them to work for me. Other times, I search for my own hashtags by finding people, maybe even searching a hashtag like #girlboss because I teach girl bosses. I then look to see what other hashtags the women using that same hashtag (#girlboss) are using.Sometimes, I just go by the same hashtags they are using.Another trick I use is to simply go into my competitor’s profile and check out who they’re following and then follow them too. Use your hashtags well if you want to stay on the top pages of Instagram’s search results. Staying on the top posts is no easy fit. But, I have your back inside the InstantBoss Club where I show you how to get featured in the top posts and trust me, it isn’t that hard! InstantBoss Club is open for enrollment twice per year; the next intake in coming up soon. Join the waitlist here: the InstantBoss Club, we have the Hashtag Library that has over 2,400 hashtags you that can use in a bunch of different niches. We also have the Hashtag Builder which is one of my favorites. If your niche is not inside the Hashtag Library, you can use the Hashtag Builder to find the right hashtags to use on your posts.The InstantBoss Club is worth $150 if you want to purchase just a lifetime access or $28.99 a month. The monthly plan gets you hashtag help plus a million other cool tips.Make sure you check out our free Instagram challenge and if you have any question, feel free to comment below.